by Kristen Dangelo | Jul 21, 2009 | Butterflies, Butterfly Gardening, Butterfly Photography, Caterpillars, Chrysalis, Eggs
Ever wondered how to make sunshine? Mother Nature knows how! Below is “her” recipe for the Cloudless Sulphur Butterfly… Start with an itsy bitsy egg. Set it on the tenderest bud of a Cassia senna plant until it turns the color of sunshine. Then watch...
by Kristen Dangelo | Jul 14, 2009 | Butterflies, Butterfly Gardening, Butterfly Host Plants, Butterfly Photography, Eggs, Stories
After years of searching… I finally found a Western Tiger Swallowtail egg! All fellow “butterfly egg hunters” out there should understand why a celebration of sorts is in order! Butterfly eggs in general can be hard to come by, especially when you...
by Kristen Dangelo | Jul 14, 2009 | Butterflies, Butterfly Artwork, Butterfly Photography, Caterpillars, Chrysalis, Eggs, Poetry & Quotes
The Gulf Fritillary Divine creation can be seen painted on the canvas of a butterflies wing…© Kristen D’Angelo Artists, young and old alike, love to capture the beauty of butterflies. Above, Elena, age 8, illustrates the Gulf Fritillary (Agraulis vanillae)...
by Kristen Dangelo | Jun 26, 2009 | Butterflies, Butterfly Gardening, Butterfly Host Plants, Eggs
Pale Swallowtail Butterfly Egg One of the 3 Pale Swallowtail eggs has darkened up and looks like it’s getting ready to hatch. The other two eggs are still clear, I suspect they are duds, but I will know for sure in a couple days. The darkened egg hatches and...
by Kristen Dangelo | Jun 22, 2009 | Butterflies, Butterfly Gardening, Butterfly Host Plants, Caterpillars, Eggs
Pale Swallowtail Eggs My friend Eva watched a Pale Swallowtail (Pterourus eurymedon) lay eggs on her Peach Tree (Prunus) today, then she gave me the eggs! I’m not sure all 3 eggs will hatch, but I will keep you posted on their progress and let you know what the...
by Kristen Dangelo | Jun 20, 2009 | Butterflies, Butterfly Gardening, Butterfly Photography, Caterpillars, Chrysalis, Eggs
Cabbage White Family The Cabbage White (Pieris rapae) is one of the most common travelers to frequent our skies. Due to its abundance this delicate white butterfly is often overlooked and sometimes even thought of as a pest. Carrying a non-native stamp upon...