Nevermore will a Flying Flower drift by you unnoticed
~K. D’Angelo
Embracing Change
Soaring Free
Obsession with Butterflies has caught a Bright New Breeze. Join us as we soar compassion’s fair skies, flying high with Charity Underwing.
Partnering with CrossBreeze Charities we continue our mission of spreading an awareness of the beauty of butterflies & the need to support their natural habitats.
Through education, the building of butterflies gardens & more, we hope to lead many to be inspired by these enchanting & graceful flying flowers.
Meditations on Butterflies: A New Coloring & Activity Journal
Shop Butterfly Gifts for CrossBreeze
Sweet Wings
Help Us Soar
Read me a bedtime story, Tuck me in tight
Sing me a Lullaby, An Angel’s Kiss Goodnight
Discover Butterfly Music Albums
Dreams of Sweet Lullaby Adventures
Kaledidoscope of Wings where Faith Brightly Sings
Shop these inspired butterfly gifts & more
Butterfly Dreams Realized
Shop Now… Give Wings to Hope
The Six Families of Butterflies

Awaken to the universes simple gift of the butterfly. Watch with fascination and joy as a jeweled treasure glides by and gently touches your soul ~K. D’Angelo

Interested in capturing these beauties so that you can enjoy them all year round? Get some tricks and tips to help you!