Awaken to the universes simple gift of the butterfly. Watch with fascination and joy as a jeweled treasure glides by and gently touches your soul
~K. D’Angelo

Learn with Butterflies
— Nevermore will a Flying Flower drift by you unnoticed —
Creation can be your go to place when you need inspiration. Mother Nature never lets us down, She is courageous, bold and beautiful in every season of Her life, as we can seek to be in ours.
About Butterflies
The butterflies domain is one of mystery and grace, where the miracle of metamorphosis rules. The tiniest egg become s a colorful caterpillar. That caterpillar then changes into a curious chrysalis, from which then emerges a butterfly.
Butterfly Families
The tiniest egg becomes a colorful caterpillar. That caterpillar then changes into a curious chrysalis, from which then emerges a butterfly. . . a breath of beauty drifting upon the breeze. As an eager pupil of these soaring sensations, you will discover their magical world unfolding into yours.
Butterfly Metamorphosis
Once the butterfly has drawn you in with its visual charms, and you have become a captive audience, more wonders of their world will begin to be revealed. The butterflies domain is one of mystery and grace, where the miracle of metamorphosis rules.