Two great things you can give your children: one is roots, the other is wings.
~Hodding Carter

Friendly Caterpillar
To make this cute friendly caterpillar you will need to find yourself a twig or small stick stick for the caterpillars body. Follow the directions below to give your caterpillar it’s own personality!
Craft Supplies Needed:
- Twigs or small sticks (approximately 6″ long and 1/2″ thick)
- 2 chenille wires (assorted colors)
- black chenille wire (cut in half and curved on the ends)
- wiggly eyes (optional)
- Sharpie marker (for mouth, optional)
Starting at one end of the stick and holding both chenille wires together, wrap them securely around the stick. Use 1/2 of the black chenille wire for the antenna by twisting it tightly around the head of the caterpillar. For extra fun, use a marker to draw a mouth and glue a pair googly eyes on the tip of the twig.

Fluttering Leaf Butterfly
To make this cute friendly caterpillar you will need to find yourself a twig or small stick stick for the caterpillars body. Follow the directions below to give your caterpillar it’s own personality!
Craft Supplies Needed:
- Twigs or small sticks (approximately 6″ long and 1/2″ thick)
- 2 chenille wires (assorted colors)
- 2 Fall Leaves (fresh and playable)
- 2 Fresh Leaf Stems
- 2 Wiggly eyes
- 1 Puff Ball for mouth (optional)
- Hot Glue Gun
Starting at one end of the stick and holding both chenille wires together, wrap them securely around the stick. Trim both leaves, giving them a straight side fro gluing. Glue the “straight” side of the leaf to the back side of the chenille covered twig. Glue leaf stems on head for antenna. Glue googly eyes to front of twig. For extra fun, add a small puff ball mouth to your butterfly.

Tissue Paper Butterflies Craft
Sweet easy to make tissue paper butterflies can be used on top of gifts, hung for mobiles and used as hair ornaments.
Craft Supplies Needed:
- Chenille wires in assorted colors
- Tissue paper, solid colors or print
- Print butterfly template
Click here to print the Butterfly Template
Layer several sheets of tissue paper and cut out using the butterfly template (each Tissue Paper Butterfly uses is two layers). Bend chenille wire in half, slip tissue paper butterfly between and twist to form antenna. Give the chenille body a couple of pinches to crimp and secure wings.

Sweetheart Valentine Butterfly
Craft Supplies Needed:
- Twigs or small sticks (approximately 6″ long and 1/2″ thick)
- 5 chenille wires for body (bright pink, lavender, soft yellow, white, robin’s-egg blue)
- 1 chenille wire for antenna (robin’s-egg blue)
- 4 White Butterfly Shaped Paper Doilies (approx. 4″ wide)
- 1 Sheet of Bright Pink Paper (tissue, construction or card stock)
- 1 Sheet of Blue Paper (tissue, construction or card stock)
- 1 Sheet of Yellow Paper (tissue, construction or card stock)
- 2 5mm Wiggly eyes
- 1 Pink Puff Ball for nose
- Hot Glue Gun with Clear Drying Glue Stick
Optional Ways To Make the Sweetheart Valentine Butterfly
- 1 Valentine’s Lollipop (optional, replaces twig for body)
- 3 Short Pixie Sticks approx. 6″ long (optional, replaces twig for body)
Starting at one end of the stick and holding the chenille wires together, wrap them securely around the stick. Cut and hot glue chenille wire on head for antenna. Hot glue wiggly eyes and puff ball to front of the chenille body. Create wings by glue sticking heart shaped doilies to pink paper. Cover both sides of the pink paper with doilies if an ornamental butterfly is desired. If you wish to write a message to your Valentine, cover only one side of the pink paper with a doily, leaving the backside of the butterfly plain. Trim pink paper to along the edges of the doily to create a heart shape. Note: Choose a paper thickness which will suit your needs.
If you are writing a message to your Valentine, use card stock or construction paper, for a softer looking decorative Butterfly use tissue paper. Using a glue stick, decorate wings with small cut-out paper hearts, pink, blue and yellow in color. Trim both wings, giving them a straight side for gluing. Overlap the wings slightly (approx. 1/4″) then hot glue them together. Center the chenille body of the butterfly on the wings, hot glue into place.