A Flutter of Butterflies soar as Spring’s confetti, migrating Joy across the skies
~K. D’Angelo

Create Flying FLowers
—Painted Lady Butterfly Kits—

Raise Your Own Butterflies
Watch Painted Lady Butterflies grow from Caterpillar to Chrysalis to Butterfly…

Flying Flowers Soar
After the adults emerge, you can release them back into nature or you can try breeding them. All you need is the proper host plant for the adults to lay eggs on. To keep the fun going, plant Mallow! Once your new generation of caterpillars hatch, they will be hungry, and the mallow plant is the perfect source of food for them.

Free Flying Confetti
Painted Lady Butterflies are flying sojourners, bright beauties who dot our skies with color and mystery in early Spring. They are free flying confetti, who inspire awe and cause for celebration of nature, as they migrate northward from Mexico through United States and to Canada