Butterflies are a breath of beauty fluttering by, they are mystery chronicled upon wing, they bring forth the grace and wonder of this world to our eyes everyday
~K. D’Angelo

Our Story
—Buds & Wings—
Take Wing
Carry Kindness
Spread Grace
Obsession with Butterflies was created in 2007, by Vickie Cole and Kristen D’Angelo, as a means of spreading an awareness of the beauty of butterflies and the need to preserve their natural habitats.
By providing information on butterfly life cycle and butterfly gardening, we hope to interest and educate others about these enchanting creatures.
Ultimately, in our world today, the more that butterflies are admired and supported by people the more likely they are to thrive in the future.
Through Obsession With Butterflies we are helping butterflies by spreading knowledge about them and raising funds for their conservation efforts.
It is our wish that butterflies will continue to grace our world, inspiring generations to come with their miraculous journeys.
Sincerely, Kristen and Vickie
Vickie & Kristen BFF
Butterfly Friends Forever

Partnering with CrossBreeze Charities in 2020 we continue our mission of spreading an awareness of the beauty of butterflies & the need to support their natural habitats.
Additionally, through education, the building of butterflies gardens & more, we hope to reach & inspire many to be moved by these enchanting & graceful flying flowers.

Our Mission
—With CrossBreeze Charities—
Inspiring with butterflies, wellness in the community and beyond.

Building, Benefiting, Bridging
On a mission to bring together neighborhood partners to support healthier happier families and individuals.
We seek to connect communities with nature through supporting the building of butterfly gardens & more.
We also inspire wellness through offering counseling programs & healthcare grants for research, education plus end-of-life bucket wish dreams realized
About CrossBreezeCharities.org
Vickie Cole
Im a Mother and lover of Nature. Some of my favorite things include growing old garden roses, butterfly gardening, photography, graphic design, cats, games of all sorts, cooking, playing piano and raising butterflies.
Here are some things you may not know about me; I’m a retired hairdresser, I’m obviously fascinated with bugs and I’m the “computer geek” behind the Obsession With Butterflies website and Flutter-Blog along with several other web sites and blogs. I’ve been building and maintaining various web sites for over 16 years and I’m completely self taught.
Calling on the
Kaleidoscope of Wings
Winged friends
gather round, Fragrant flora,
Wreath Crown
My daughter Taylor, who’s fascination with butterflies as a child helped to enhance my Obsession for Butterflies. Together we’ve raised thousands of butterflies, doing our part to increase butterfly awareness and the population of butterflies in Orange County. I’m so proud to say she is growing up as a kind, generous, and gentle natured person with a respect for all living things.
My hope is that others are inspired to introduce butterfly gardening to their friends and family, and by gardening organically, without the use of pesticides, will also benefit birds and other important pollinators.
Grab your gardening gloves, get the kids outside, plant a few flowers and help to bring back a touch of nature to your neighborhood for yourself and future generations to enjoy!
More About Kristen & Vickie
Friends Behind the Flutter
When we first met, we became instant friends. Our kids were close in age, we shared a love for roses, gardening, cooking and of course our Obsession with Butterflies!
Soar like the spirited Butterfly, who is as passionate upon tattered wing, as she was on her maiden flight
~K. D’Angelo
In garden of hearts live, Forever fluttering give
Join the kaleidoscope of wings, Through which hope brightly springs
Waltz with joyful skies, Dance as heaven sighs
On a breath of Grace be a wish, Float as dandelion’s dream wish
Kristen D’Angelo
I am a dreamer who has soared upon the wings of butterflies. Like rainbows or fairies, as a young girl, I treasured butterflies, because they provided a space for my imagination, a field for my dreams. Life blossomed forth and even though I grew to be an adult, I always kept the door open to the place where I flew with butterflies!
The blessing of three wonderful children, a degree in Social Ecology and a career as a Social Worker saw the realization of many of my personal aspirations, however, I continued to imagine and dream. Like a butterfly moving through metamorphosis, I always knew when it was time for a change. Longing to nurture the creative part of my being, I set out to build a business through which I could cultivate and share my passion for butterflies.
Lift spirits,
circle in grace, flutter joy, soar with faith
Light dances , the wind leads, garland Love
upon a breeze
From this endeavor, Obsession With Butterflies would emerge. So now, when I am not otherwise engaged social work, loving and caring for my children, friends and family, I can be found working on a butterfly related. I also love to write, read, cook, garden, photograph, rollerblade, hike, play my harp or simply just sit and rest in nature’s sweet embrace.
Ironically, the butterflies, which have helped to create a space for my dreams, are now part of my reality, fluttering about my life, bringing me joy everyday. It is my wish that those who visit Obsession With Butterflies will also experience the great happiness and inspiration which Butterflies can bring about!