Have you ever been Mallow, have you ever tried?
The pertinent question here is have you ever tried using Mallow in your Butterfly Garden?
If you have never used Mallow in your Butterfly Garden, then try it and you will be in for a pleasant surprise! Mallows are flowering plants in the hibiscus family (Malvaceae). They are not only attractive, when in bloom, flaunting an abundance of delicate and colorful florets, but also, hardy too.
It’s no wonder that a variety of North American butterflies, including but not limited to, the Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta, West Coast Lady Vanessa annabella, Painted Lady Vanessa cardui, Grey Hairsteak Strymon melinus, Northern White Skipper Heliopetes ericetorum and Common Checkered Skipper Pyrgus communis all claim this lovely plant as a host.
Beautiful species of Mallows can be found throughout the North American and European continents. Here in California, we typically have showy and drought resistant native Chaparral Mallows Malacothamnus, which grow in the form of small trees or shrubs.
Pink Bushmallow Malacothamnus fasciculatus and Apricot Mallow Sphaeraicea ambigua are two California native species which might be encountered while hiking in our local foothills, especially during summer months.
The hot pink and more tropical, Island Bush Mallow Lavatera assurgentiflora can also be found throughout the coastal mainland of California. It can usually be spotted in cultivated gardens, as it is an escapee, and truly only native to the nearby Channel Islands.
Have you ever been happy just to hear your song…?
If attracting butterflies to your garden is your gig, then be sure to make room for a Mallow in your garden! With all the butterflies and blooms abound, you will find yourself both mellow and delighted to be sure!